Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Australia Day!

well, i'm a day late. Australia Day is January 26. I wished my teammates a good day, and my heart was with them as they enjoyed their beautiful summer day and a trip to the beach. Our day was cold and windy. But Darian's team did win their basketball game! There was much celebration then. ;-)

I thought we'd be in Oz by now and would have celebrated our first Australia Day in Wollongong, but that wasn't to be. So, instead i'm taking a look back at our family trip to Oz and taking a moment to appreciate where i am and the many ways God has blessed my waiting.

This trip was taken in July '05. Oh my how the kids have grown. I am so proud of who they're becoming. And, I am so thankful for the wonderful husband and leader i have in Shawn.

Australia is a beautiful land created by an amazing God. His power and might are awe inspiring. It's good to have friends to appreciate his wonder with. And it's grand to have new friends here in Jackson to grow and learn with as well.

God's creatures are amazing as well. The diversity is astounding. We enjoyed holding and petting this koala. It's amazing how soft he was... and how sharp his claws are. Guess you'd need that to hang high in a tree all day. I hope that while i'm here (and where ever i go), i'll have the strength of a koala to grasp on to God and his wisdom and his will.

While we were in Australia, i was amazed at the vegitation. I occasionally felt like i was visiting a Dr. Seuss book, it was so unique and unusual to my eyes. This tree was gigantic! It's amazing what God can do from a small (?) seed. May I allow God to do as he wills with me.

Hiking up for a different view with the kids. (Brenna really liked the name of the lookout) This reminds me that it's important to ocassionally get a different perspective on what's around you.

This was taken on our first full day in Australia. We were picked up from the airport by some amazing christians and dropped off at our temporary residence. We were on our own for a few days. So we walked to a nearby train station and took the train into the city. We didn't know where we were going or what was there. But, we were together. May God continue to give us that sense of adventure and the contentment in being together.
Thanks for taking this little journey with me. Hopefully the next time Australia Day rolls around, i'll be able to write about a fabulous day from Oz. Please keep lifting those prayers for our visa, may it come quickly.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pickles and Pajamas

oh, and there was pineapple too!

I've been a bit delinquent (per form) in family updates as i wade through the emotions of waiting. So, here's a bit of holiday cheer...

Christmas w/ Aunt Jane. Our 'first' Christmas of the season.

Chirstmas w/ NuNu. Our second... We were so thrilled that Shawn's mom could visit with us the weekend before Christmas. We tried to keep her longer, but it just didn't work. :-(

Christmas dinner w/ Nunu. It was a yankee meal complete with pickled beets and eggs, yumyum!!

Christmas morning aftermath... there's the pickles... the pj's and the pineapple didn't make it into a picture... but they were enjoyed!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

just a thought...

about the wandering Israelites...

... was it any easier to wander, to wait, for such a long time with a physical, daily presence of their Creator and Comforter?

... i just wonder.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

a moment

this morning i woke up a little sad and discouraged. I knew it was going to be a rough day ahead. So, during a little chat w/ God, i told him that i was gunna need some love today. As i prayed, my thought was a little child sitting w/ me during our preschool chapel.

well, i continued to get ready for my day without much thought of my silly request. Before i even reached the door to leave, i had a little blessing.

as we were getting the twos ready for chapel (it's very low-key), we had several children come in. I ended up w/ two boys who needed some snuggles. And by the time i started to sit down (on the floor), there was a sweet little girl wanting my lap.

I knew i needed one snuggle to get through the day... God sent me three.
Thanks, God.

may you see God in your lives today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Preschool Fun

It's been cold in Jackson recently. Today was no different. So, in preparing to go to the gym, we were helping the kids get coats on and zipped. (we have to walk outside to get to the gym)

One teacher was helping a little girl. To encourage getting the jackets on quickly she said, "Get your jackets on or you'll be as sick as dogs."

The little girl promptly responded, "My dog's not sick."


Thursday, January 15, 2009

a thousand words

... or two.


i have never been on such a rollercoater of emotions before. it's gone beyond 'good days' and 'bad days'.... it's more moment to moment... from full-on excitement to heart-ache.

now, i admit to being emotional. but this is something else completely.

and 'rollercoaster' isn't even a good analogy... sure there's ups and downs, but it has a definite end (2 minutes and 32 seconds for the Gemini) AND you often want to go back and do it again. No, we're not talkin' 'rollercoaster' here.... it's more like... well, being stranded in the middle of the ocean on a raft with heavy waves... some that could knock you over... and now, it feels like my raft has sprung a leak...

those 'things' that you say to help you through, just don't seem to be enough. knowing that others are struggling w/ deeper, more serious stuff, doesn't seem to help right now.

well, i'll just wait a moment... maybe this feeling will change soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009


i have lots of thoughts swirling 'round my head,
but really not much to say.

i guess maybe i'm sorting them out.
in the meantime, here's a cute shot of Brenna and our littlest teammate on the drive to the airport to see everyone off. Brenna wanted to get as much Ella-time (and team-time) as she could. it touched my heart.