Monday, September 22, 2008

life goes on...

i can't believe that we're 2/3 thru Sept. and i haven't written once... it's been a busy time. Well, although that's true, it has been busy, life's been a little unsettling to me recently. So, i just didn't know what to say. What i wanted to say wasn't very nice... and Momma always said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." So, i spent a lot of time thinking... (and added in some pouting for good measure.)

... ya see, i've never been much of a planner... and i've never felt lead by God before... but i truly believe that God has been leading my family to serve him... and we've planned for it.... but now... now we wait... and that brings a lot of questions for me... a lot of uncertainties...

While we wait, i'll share some fun pics of our recent times... hope you enjoy!

Brenna had a friend come visit. Thanks to Aunt Jane who came that weekend too and was willing to chaffuer (or something like that). We love visitors!

Speaking of visitors... we had a couple more that weekend. Thanks to the Eatons and Holcombs who dropped in for a visit! They're some special friends from our home church in Memphis. We love our time with them...

Okay, it's my fault that we were segregated... but it was such an enjoyable way to chat and visit. Thanks for coming, girls!

Shawn and Grant, a Jackson friend, chillin' and goin' deep in our lovely home. (more pics of that later... i hope)


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