After a long week (or it may be several weekS) of packing and moving boxes, we were finally able to move out - both of our apartment and of Memphis. Now, we are in the north visiting some family and friends. This past weeks have had lots of ups and downs, and we couldn't have done it without some help along the way from a lot of wonderful friends. Thanks to all of you who helped. It means a lot, and I have been sharing the stories of your help with others. I am so very blessed.
It's kind of weird being homeless - there is a lot of security in having a place to call home. You always think of going home and having that place of safety and security. It's a place to rest your head and be comforted. Now, all of our possessions are packed up and what we need for the next couple of months is in the van... but it still a bit odd.
So, now as we get to enjoy the slightly cooler weather of Michigan and our stay with family and friends. As we drove up yesterday, the weather was sweltering - come to find out that it was about the same temperature in MI. That is just not acceptable! I was ready to keep driving until I found some cooler weather. At least the weather cooled down during the night, but the hot sticky-ness still remained. The news has it that it should cool down a bit in the next couple of days and be more Michigan-like. Here's hoping or I'm out of here....(not really)
As for now, my continuous going is finally catching up with me... It's amazing what your body can do when you have to... but now, it's time for a nap. My body needs a bit of time to relax and recooperate.... and this futon is looking mighty comfortable....

Sweet dreams...
(This post was updated by my sister, Jane, but she thinks it covers all of the details for now. She is even the lovely one that added the picture...isn't' she sweet. Well, I'll update more with great thoughts about being homeless, when I wake up...)
Thanks for the update! Hope you have a great time in Michigan! :-D
very funny... since you typed it. silly girl.
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