Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lining Up?


Can you see it?

In the picture, what do you see? 

No, not the cute one in braids making a funny face at me...
(but if you're wondering, she gets that from her brother!)

Look again...
(did you?  Really, look at the pic)

They're lining up to the door for a Slurpee!  :-)  

And what's even better... this is in my 'suburb'.  :-D  WooHoo!
okay, so it's a bit of a walk, but I can drive there in two minutes.  

Yay for 7/11's in Wollongong!!
Yay for one opening near me!

Yay for beating the line!

Now, who wants to come share a Slurpee?!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Feelin' Blue...

Darian was feeling a little blue...  If you've seen recent pics, you'll know that this has washed out... but for those far away, it might be fun to see these... 

What can I say?
Have you ever tried to take a picture of D?
It's not an easy task.  He's got impressive timing.

Trying again.
A good shot of the hair colour at least.

Strike three?
Yet antoher face... but a good shot of the blue hair.
(it was easier to adjust to the blue than the bleached blonde)

Already washing out a bit.
Personally, I like the two tone look... would have worked well for my old high school, as it does with the U of M shirt he's wearing.  
(notice the netball games going on in the back ground... good Aussie pastime!)

Never thought I'd have a blue haired child... but hey, guess I lost my vote a long time ago.  ;-)  And I'm slowly realizing that's a good thing.  :-) 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Voices in my Head

Okay, so they're not really in my head, but on the screen.  However this voice is more real, more honest, more positively transparent than any I've heard.  It's refreshing.  It's inspiring.  It's healing and hopeful. to me.

The thoughts in this post resound with my soul.  They shout and scream.  Often, I feel the power and insight in what she writes.  This one is no different.  Or perhaps it's different by being more clear and true. 

Have a 'listen'.  Or don't.  

One Jesus - Jamie, The Very Worst Missionary 

What do you think?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Minamurra Rainforest Walk

About once a month, I have a bonus day off from work.  Actually, I work an extra half-hour each day so I can have the RDO (rostered day off).  It's part of the company I work for.  I like it!  

I've been able to curl up with a book, catch up with friends, extend a long weekend, and stroll through the markets.  Plus, some days I get to hang with my sweetheart! :-)

Here's some pics from our most recent adventure....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Family Day

One of our favourite family haunts is Shellharbour Village, just south of where we live.  It was one of the first places Shawn and I visited when we checked out the area in 2007.  We stayed in a caravan park that's just off the shore of some of these shots. 
I love that our kids are still okay with hanging out with the family now and again.  However, it's not unusual for out house to be quiet and without kids more and more often.  I'm not sure I'm ready for this stage of life. 

We started out the afternoon by enjoying some fish and chips at a nearby shop.  Still searching for the best spot to get fish and chips... this wasn't bad, but there's better in Kiama.  If you don't believe me, come check it out yourself! ;-)

Family shot... 
on a very blustery day. :-)

 at the harbour.

 Trying to push Dad over...
I love these Daddy & daughter shots.

 Making D have a photo with me.
And he's smiling!!  :-)  Bonus!
I really like the angle on this pic... don't look so short here.

 Father and son.

 Me and my girl!  
Such a beauty!  :-)

I was laughing 'cuz the wind was causing havoc!

 Precious siblings.
my how they've grown....

 Ninja moves on the rocks.
Silly kids!
Love that!!  :-)

 B trying to be the 'bigger' sibling.
and D just going along with the fun.

 The slow motion race...
...or just being obnoxious because someone was taking so many pictures.
now who would that be??

heading home...