This weekend the family took a trip up to Gosford to meet with the elders of the church there and enjoy some fellowship and fun with some of our church family there. We had a good discussion that lead to some introspection (I think that's the right word...) and ponderings, as well and clarifications. I don't have any pics from then, but I do have some shots of the the fun parts the rest of Saturday.
The men chatting. :-)
Two Davids and a Shawn.
After a super scrumptious lunch,
Chris is topping a homemade pavlova to share!
A true Aussie delight.
The picture doesn't show the yumminess of this tasty treat!
And I experienced fresh passionfruit for the first time, too.
Laura shared her favourite cookbook with Brenna and Joy.
She's made some fantastic food from it, or so they say. ;-)
Still serving up some goodness, as the troops start to circle.
(nah, there was no circling, just chatting)
The Gosford HIM (not sure if that's the write acronym) workers, Ann and Jenny,
along with Brenna, Shawn, and all-around great guy, Dan
at... a hockey game! (surprising, I know!)
(if you look closely, you can see Darian, but he's hiding)
Gettin' some hockey on!
It was fun to cheer and stomp and make noise!
(don't tell, but I started cheering for the other side...
they were the underdog, final score 12-2)
Dan helping with some personal hygiene.
Okay, that's not true, he's just being silly.
This pic's here, just to prove I was at the game...
but it was a little fuzzy cuz the flash was off. Better next time, eh?
Finally caught Darian in a picture...
...sadly, he's trying to help Dan clean up. Sorry, Dan.
B's got the cat's cradle masking her face... or it could be 'owl's eyes'... hmm...
Thanks for the evening, Dan! It was great fun!
I wish there was a non-interruptive and non-distracting way of taking pics of worship time, but I haven't figured that out yet, so there's no pics of Sunday morning with the Gosford family. It was lovingly lead by Dan, and I appreciate the thought and heart he puts into it.