Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - chocolate choices...





Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday's Tangent - poetry

One of my friends commented about poetry on her fb status.  I'm pretty sure she was dealing w/ serious poetry... but I'd much prefer some fun stuff...  like...

This from "Runny Babbit" a Billy Sook by Shel Silverstein

'Kugs and Hisses'
Runny said, "I'm lonesome,
I feel so glad and soomy.
I need some kugs and hisses --
Now, who's gunna give 'em to me?"

"I will," said Polly Dorkupine,
"'Cause you're cute as a rug in a bug."
Said Runny, "Well, I'll kake the tiss,
But never hind the mug."

Oh, the fun of children's poetry... or should I say, pildren's choetry.  ;-)

Shel's always good for a smile!

Do you have a favourite children's poem? or poem from your childhood? 
Wanna share?

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Bit of Pride...

One of the activities that Brenna chose to participate in to help adjust to the culture and find some friends was Surf Life Saving Club.  It's a club (Aussies are all about clubs) for kids that meets weekly and teaches kids about surf safety (tides, rips, wave survival,  being safe in the water). 

It was a bit overwhelming at first.  Brenna was in the "Under 12s" group.  They start with an "Under 5s", so kids in her group could have been participating in SLSC for 7 years.  Though it's mixed with heaps of fun, there's some skills to learn as well from swimming distances in surf (waves) to using a 'nipper board' (like a life saving board but smaller for smaller kids).  Despite the newness of it all, Brenna was always willing to "give it a go".  And we were blessed by John, the amazing Age Manager for Brenna's group.  He was always so encouraging and willing to explain things that might be new to the 'Yank'.  And, he always made sure Brenna was safe and comfortable. 

Last week, the Port Kebla SLSC had their awards day.  Certain events are scored each week.  At the end of the season, trophies are given out to the top scorers in each age group.  Although she tried everything every week, Brenna was not often among the top three.  What we didn't know was that their was an extra award...

Brenna earned the "Age Manager's" Trophy this season.  This award is for someone who the Age Manager thinks worked hard, had a positive attitude, improved and always tried throughout the season.  We are so proud of her!  Better yet, she is proud of herself.  :-)

My sweet little girl and her awards

B and our wonderful Age Manager!

Some of the younger kids getting their participation medals and awards.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's Finally Here!

After months of waiting for our visa... weeks of waiting for training... days of waiting for the official document... It's now official....  I can teach in New South Wales, Aus!  :-)  WooHoo!!!

Guess that means it's time to dust off those teacher shoes and get on some 'sub' lists (it's called 'casual teaching' here) and get back to the joy of teaching!  :-)  Yippee!

Hopefully soon I'll be able to share that I've got my first teaching 'gig'...  cross those fingers and say some prayers...  (but don't hold your breath, because at the end of the week, we're starting another school holiday)

I'm a bit nervous about being a substitute teacher.  That's something I've never done before...

Keep ya posted...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

missing some recent visitors...

At the end of February, we were greatly blessed with the arrival of  some Skyline friends!  They warmed our hearts and cheered our spirits while they were here.  There was much laughter and love.  It was beyond a joy to have them here.   I miss their presence.  Here are just a few shots from our time together.

Our visitors minus one... in front of the Sydney Opera House.
(yes, we visited the bathrooms, they're one of my favourites!)

On the ferry ride from Manly Beach,
two buddies enjoying the front of the ferry!

Two more buddies enjoying the train ride to Central Station.
An afternoon visit to Carrington Falls (via the famous pie shop)
The kids didn't make this excursion, they had school.
Mark and his little friends. :-)

Two great guys and good friends posing for the camera.
(the second time...)

Enjoying dinner on the beach in Apollo Bay, Victoria.
(before the great seagull invasion!)

Enjoying the Goffs for a couple extra days.
This was our last dinner... Aussie 'burgers w/ the lot' and chips. 

So thankful they could all be here!  We missed those that couldn't make it and so many others.  If you're ever in the area, we'd love to see you too!   ;-)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Flashback - Cousins '04

few shots from when Darian, Brenna, and Rayne were together at Blue Ridge Family Camp
nearly six years ago!  My how they've grown.  :-)

This definitely looks like they're enjoying getting some pictures taken.

Playing in the creek.  A camp 'must do'!

Such serious kids... a true challenge to make them have fun. ;-)

:-D  What fun.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday - clouds

I have always enjoyed looking at clouds.  I can remember laying on my back on the "hill" in my gram's front yard finding pictures in the clouds.  The crazier the shape, the better!  Once I saw an elephant playing the piano while sitting on a turtle.  Really! 

Even today, I can find joy, peace, and wonder just looking at the clouds.  God's work is amazing, stunning.

Enjoy the pic of the cloud Brenna saw while we were driving last week.  So glad there was a camera in the car to document the cloud.  :-)

What do you see?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday's Tangent - Legos

I think legos are a lot like life...

... sometimes it's about putting things together, building something great or small, and sometimes it's about picking up the pieces.

I like legos.
except when I step on one accidentally left out. ;-)


Monday, March 22, 2010

little things...

Sometimes it's the little things that can really make your day!

Like today...
After a fabulous, refreshing weekend with friends in Gosford, I discovered it was a bit difficult to get going this morning... and we had places to go.  So, I made a comment to my most-wonderful husband that I would need a Coke this morning to get started.  Sadly, right now, there's no coke in the house.  (shocking, really)  I knew I'd eventually get one, but it wouldn't come til later in the day.

Imagine my delight and joyful surprise to discover a bottle of Coke on the table when I emerged from the shower!  :-D  Happy shock!  My super-sweet hubby, went to the corner (but not our corner) shop to make my 'wish' come true.  :-)

It was just a little thing.  But it really brightened my day!  :-)  yay.

Wanna share any of your day-brightening little moments?